As popular as the keto diet has become over the years, this topic is rarely ever talked about.

But, it should certainly be a topic that every keto dieter is well aware of.

Just like the keto flu is real, keto constipation is real and you have to be well prepared so it doesn’t deter you from continuing your path on the keto diet.

I looked this up when I was having trouble with my bowel movements and I couldn’t find a true source that gave you a straight forward option or natural supplement to help with the issue of keto constipation.

I thought I would gather my searches and compile them to provide a straight forward option to use as a keto friendly laxative.

What’s the best keto friendly laxative?

The best keto friendly laxative is MiraLAX Laxative Powder. It has zero carbs and is the #1 laxative on Amazon’s laxative list.

Constipation on the Keto Diet Explained

Everyone has experienced constipation at one time or another in their lifetime, and chances are pretty high that you have experienced it recently if you are living a ketogenic or low carb lifestyle.

By definition from Constipation means that a person has three or fewer bowel movements in a week.

Most of the time constipation will pass on its own and is not serious, but symptoms may differ. It is important to consult a doctor, if necessary.

Although constipation is normal for the average person every once in a while, on the keto diet you have an increased risk of being constipated, but why is that?

What are the causes of constipation on keto?

Constipation can occur for someone on the keto diet for multiple reasons.

Here are some of the most common causes for constipation on keto:

  1. Loss of Electrolytes/Dehydration

One of the biggest hurdles on the keto diet is staying hydrated. Being dehydrated on keto can cause more than just headaches and flu like symptoms.

The loss of electrolytes can cause constipation. You can learn how to avoid this in the next section below.

  1. Loss of Electrolytes

If we want to get technical for second, the goal of a ketogenic diet is to deplete muscle and liver stores of glycogen..

This glycogen loss can cause an issue with some keto dieters because for each gram of glycogen in your body 3 grams of water are stored with it. –

When this is flushed out of the body electrolyte imbalance can develop.

  1. Reduction in Fiber

By simply reducing the amount of carbohydrates in your diet normally found in sugary fruits and vegetables, you are limiting yourself of necessary fibers to keep a regular bowl movement for you body.
There are healthy alternatives to reintroducing the dietary fibers you are missing out on which I will go over in the section below labeled fiber supplements.

How to Avoid Constipation on Keto

Avoiding constipation on keto is as easy as making sure you are supplementing the necessary minerals and keeping your body in a healthy state physically.

This all sounds easy in theory, but let’s break the sentence above down into actionable steps. You can do all of these or pick and choose what you think you need to work on.

Here’s a tip: Start small and work your way up to doing all of them. Now let’s get into it!

  1. Stay Hydrated

Drink water! Drink water! Drink water! I don’t think I can state this enough.

Drinking enough water during the day, week, and months leads to an overall healthy lifestyle.

There are so many benefits to drinking enough water including clearer skin, regulates body temperature, helps maintain blood pressure, etc.

But most of all it will do magic when it comes to helping you remove bodily waste, otherwise known as poop.

Drinking water is one of the most natural ways to help with constipation, so drink a recommended 8 glasses of water every day(recommended amount from

  1. More Sodium, Potassium & Magnesium

Here are my favorite supplements for getting these important electrolytes back into my system:

Sodium: Trader Joe’s Himalayan Pink Salt Crystals

Potassium: Many foods from avocados and brussel sprouts to squash and zucchini.

Magnesium: Nature’s Bounty Magnesium

Here is an all in one option from Perfect Keto: Perfect Keto Flu Electrolyte Supplement

You can also use BUFFKETO15 for 15% off all Perfect Keto *good for one-time use.

  1. Go Alkaline

It has been proven that people drinking alkaline water experienced increased hydration in a study done by Montana State University.

This increased hydration can help your body in a lot of ways, and better digestive health is one of them. also looked into the power of alkaline water and found our the following: “Researchers in Japan studied the effect of alkaline water on the gut and discovered that it reduced intestinal fermentation and eased a wide range of digestive complaints.”

  1. Fiber Supplements

There aren’t many good choices when it comes to fiber supplements on the keto diet because a lot of them will have carbs within its contents, but after looking into a few fiber supplements I came across Organic Acacia Senegal Powder.

According to “Acacia not only enhances digestive health, but it positively impacts your beneficial bacteria and may improve IBS symptoms.”

If you are looking to take a fiber supplement on the keto diet, give Acacia a try.

  1. Probiotics

Probiotics may offer some benefit in the management of functional constipation. –

You can find probiotics just about everywhere, but this is the one I use from Amazon.

  1. Exercise

Exercise can help with accelerating the movement of stool through your intestines and increases your heart rate and your breathing.

Other than all of the other benefits that exercise can bring to you, it will also help you if you suffer from constipation on the keto diet. 

  1. Add Coconut Oil & MCT Oil to Your Diet

Coconut oil and MCT oil can act as a natural laxative if you experience constipation on keto.

These are a great option to start with before going straight to a laxative because it is a natural remedy option.

You can take MCT Oil in many different forms(liquid, powder, or pill). You can also consume coconut oil in a few different ways(liquid, powder, or pill).

In Conclusion

So after looking into the causes and natural ways to avoid constipation, I found out that you can still take a laxative, if absolutely necessary, to get your bowels back on track and moving in a healthy routine.

The best keto friendly laxative is MiraLAX Laxative Powder. It has zero carbs and is the #1 laxative on Amazon’s laxative list.