Most people think you shouldn’t drink sodas regardless if you are on a diet or not.

This forward-thinking about health has driven the soda brands to go back to the drawing board, and that is how diet sodas were born, but what is Coke Zero? Is it a diet soda or something else entirely.

But you are here for the keto friendly question: Is Coke Zero keto friendly?

Coke Zero is keto friendly. Find out why below.

What is in Coke Zero?

Coke Zero is still soda, so you still have the major ingredients found in your generic sodas. The main thing that is different is the way that zero or diet sodas are sweetened.

What ingredients are in Coke Zero?

carbonated water, caramel color, phosphoric acid, aspartame, potassium benzoate, natural flavors, potassium citrate, acesulfame potassium, caffeine

What is the sweetening ingredient in Coke Zero?

The aspartame found in Coke Zero makes the drink taste sweet and sugary without the effects of sugar. 

What is aspartame?

According to, “Aspartame is a non-caloric sweetener used in many diet soft drinks and food preparations.”

Is aspartame keto friendly?

There have not been any studies linked to aspartame that lead to an increase in blood sugar levels. According to the Mayo Clinic, “you can use most sugar substitutes if you have diabetes, including Aspartame.”

What’s the difference between Diet Coke and Coke Zero?

When looking at Diet Coke and Coke Zero at the macro level there isn’t much of a difference. The major, if not only, the difference is on the ingredient level.

Coke Zero has sodium citrate, and Diet Coke has citric acid.

Another difference is very hard to tell and can be very opinionated…. It is that Coke Zero tastes and looks more like the Original Coca Cola which was intended by the creators.

How many different Coke Zero/Coca-Cola Zero products are there?

At the current state, there are about 8 versions or variants of Coke Zero. You can find them listed below.

  • Coca-Cola Zero
  • Coca-Cola Zero Cherry
  • Coca-Cola Zero Vanilla
  • Coca-Cola Zero Lemon
  • Coca-Cola Zero Raspberry
  • Coca-Cola Zero Peach
  • Coca-Cola Zero Orange Vanilla
  • Coca-Cola Zero Cinnamon Caffeine Free

Are all types of Coke Zero keto friendly?

Is Coke Zero Cherry keto friendly?


Is Coke Zero Vanilla keto friendly?


Is Coke Zero Lemon keto friendly?


Is Coke Zero Raspberry keto friendly?


Is Coke Zero Peach keto friendly?


Is Coke Zero Orange Vanilla keto friendly?


Is Coke Zero Cinnamon Caffeine Free keto friendly?


Is Coke Zero unhealthy for you?

YES. Soda is not healthy for you. You are better off drinking water.

But… if you have to have a drink to help you cope with your keto diet there are some better keto friendly soda options.

Where can you buy Coke Zero?

You can buy Coke Zero just about anywhere soda is sold. This means you can find it at your local super market, fast food chains, restaurants, etc.

You can also find it on Amazon if you don’t want to bring it home from the grocery store. See how much Amazon is pricing it at below.

Is Coke Zero the best soda option for the keto diet?

No, I choose Zevia when I choose to go with a soda on a keto diet.

Find the Answer Here

To answer the question of “Is Coke Zero keto friendly?” I would say… it deserves a passing grade. Coke Zero is keto friendly.

What are some alternatives to Coke Zero?

Here are some of the alternatives to Coke Zero currently out there. They may not all be keto friendly, so beware.

Let us know if you have any questions or if you want to connect and talk more about the keto diet or keto lifestyle!