I don’t know about you, but I used to love cracking open pistachios in my childhood. It offered a fun little game right before tasting that yummy little nut. As I was searching for keto friendly snacks I came across a convenient snack pack that I could take on the go, but I had some questions, are pistachios keto friendly and is it ok to eat pistachios on a keto diet?

That spurred some research on the carbs found in pistachios and their overall effect they have for someone on the keto diet. I share my findings here and give you all of the information needed to help you decide if this is the right keto snack for you.

For those in a hurry:
Pistachios are keto friendly, and are a great quick and filling snack. The best way to eat pistachios on keto is to limit the amount you eat in one sitting (like these convenient packs from Wonderful Pistachios). 

How many pistachios are in a serving?

There are about 49 pistachios for a 1 ounce, or 28 grams, serving of pistachios.

For 1 ounce/28-gram serving of pistachios, about 49 pistachios:

Calories: 156
Carbs: 8 grams
Fiber: 3 grams
Protein: 6 grams
Fat: 12 grams (90% are healthy fats)

How many net carbs are in pistachios?

There are 5 grams of net carbs in 49 pistachios.

What are the benefits of pistachios in your keto diet?

1. Helps Maintain Healthy Antioxidant & Anti-Inflammatory Activity’

The research study can be found here.

2. Low in Calories

There are approximately 4 calories in each individual pistachio nut making them a great low calorie / low carb snack for anyone trying to live a healthy keto lifestyle.

3. High in Protein

There are about 6 grams of protein per 49 pistachio nuts. 

4. Helps In Weight Loss Efforts

5. Promotes Healthy Gut Bacteria

6. May Lower Cholesterol and Blood Pressure

7. May Benefit Your Blood Vessels

8. May Help Lower Blood Sugar

“New research out of Spain shows that people with prediabetes might be at a lower risk of developing diabetes if they eat pistachios regularly.” – Medical Daily

In Conclusion

Are pistachios keto friendly? Yes, pistachios are keto friendly. They have a low glycemic index, which might promote lower blood sugar levels. Pistachios are a guilt-free snack and are a great option for someone looking for a filling food on the keto diet.

More Questions If You’re Interested

How are pistachios grown?

Pistachios are grown on female pistachio trees. Yes, they have male and female trees. If you want to learn how to grow your own pistachios, you can head over to WikiFarmer here.

Why are pistachios green?

Pistachios get their color from the chlorophyll found in them. Chlorophyll is the natural pigment that makes leaves green in most plants.

Why are some pistachios open and some closed?

Pistachios open naturally during the growth phase. The shells that don’t open are normally premature and should not be eaten.

Keto Pistachio Recipes

If you have a keto pistachio recipe, share it with us in the comments!